75° and Sunny

Today: Sunny, with a high of 73 and low of 54 degrees. Sunny in the morning, clear overnight.
High: 73°
Low: 54°
Wind:16 MPH from the W
Chance of rain: 0%
Sunrise: 06:21 AM
Sunset: 08:42 PM
Humidity: 70% humidity
Total precipitation: 0 inches

Milan, MI Weather for the Next 7 Days

Thursday May 9
Patchy rain nearby, with a high of 55 and low of 47 degrees. Don't forget your umbrella!
High: 55°
Low: 47°
Wind: 7 MPH ENE
Chance of rain: 87%

Partly Cloudy during the morning, patchy rain nearby in the afternoon, light rain in the evening, partly cloudy overnight.

Friday May 10
Patchy rain nearby, with a high of 60 and low of 46 degrees.
High: 60°
Low: 46°
Wind: 10 MPH NNW
Chance of rain: 87%

Light drizzle in the morning, patchy rain nearby in the afternoon and evening,

Saturday May 11
Moderate rain, with a high of 54 and low of 44 degrees. Don't forget your umbrella!
High: 54°
Low: 44°
Wind: 7 MPH N
Chance of rain: 88%

Light rain in the morning, patchy rain nearby during the afternoon, clear overnight.

Sunday May 12
Sunny, with a high of 68 and low of 42 degrees.
High: 68°
Low: 42°
Wind: 7 MPH SW
Chance of rain: 0%

Sunny in the morning, clear in the afternoon and evening,

Monday May 13
Patchy rain nearby, with a high of 73 and low of 54 degrees.
High: 73°
Low: 54°
Wind: 13 MPH SW
Chance of rain: 87%

Sunny during the morning, patchy rain nearby for the afternoon,

Tuesday May 14
Patchy rain nearby, with a high of 63 and low of 57 degrees.
High: 63°
Low: 57°
Wind: 7 MPH SE
Chance of rain: 87%

Light rain for the morning, patchy rain nearby for the afternoon, cloudy overnight.

Milan, MI weather at a glance

Q: What is the weather in Milan?

A: Current conditions in Milan MI: 75° and Sunny

Q: Is it raining in Milan?

A: No. Current conditions in Milan MI: 75° and Sunny

Q: What is the temperature in Milan?

A: The temperature in Milan MI is 75 degrees.

Q: What time is sunset in Milan?

A: The sun will set in Milan MI at 08:42 PM

Q: What is the weather tomorrow in Milan?

A: The weather tomorrow in Milan MI: Patchy rain nearby, with a high of 55 and low of 47 degrees. Don't forget your umbrella! Partly Cloudy during the morning, patchy rain nearby in the afternoon, light rain in the evening, partly cloudy overnight.