Several Long-Time Educators Among Those Departing Saline Schools


Several Saline High School and the South and West Washtenaw Consortium teachers have announced their retirement and resignation.

David Mellor, the longtime Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources educator and FFA advisor, will be June 6. Tim Timoszyk, the Automotive Technology Educator, also retires in June. Alex Brehmer, who teaches Business in the SWWC, resigned in December.

Social Studies teacher Jason Gumenick resigned from the high school, effective in June. Longtime art teacher Cynthia Timoszyk is also resigning at the end of the school year.

At Heritage, Fifth Grade Teacher Lynn Adams will retire at the year's end.

The Human Resources Report included three hirings.

Ruth Ford Arnett has been hired as a paraeducator at Saline Middle School. Joseph Grezlik was hired as a custodian at Saline High School. Nicole Lampman was hired as SWWC office assistant.

Trustee Tim Austin called attention to some of the departing SWWC instructors at Tuesday's Board of Education meeting.

“There are quite a few impactful resignations. It’s kind of sad. In the South and West Washtenaw Consortium, those teachers have impacted a lot of kids. It’s sad to see them go, but congratulations to them,” Austin said.

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