The owners of DropTop Pizza, the Detroit-style pizza restaurant, are hitting the brakes on plans to open in Downtown Saline.
The restaurant was planned for 107 W. Michigan Ave., in the final third of the building that housed Smokehouse 52. The other two-thirds of the building is home to Whitepine Studios.
Earlier this year, Saline City Council approved a proposal to study converting a parking lot into a public space. Most of the attention was focused on the parking lot accessible from West Henry Street, which houses Oktoberfest, Summerfest, the Saline Farmers Market and other events. The approval was curious considering the city has for years heard complaints and debate about parking issues downtown.
In off-the-record interviews and emails with the owners of the four restaurants downtown, only one owner expressed support for the idea. Two others were completely opposed to the idea of losing parking. The final owner wasn't supportive of the idea and wondered why the restaurant owners weren't included in this proposal early in the process.
Now, a member of the DropTop Pizza ownership says plans to open in downtown Saline are on hold. Jason Branham voiced his thoughts in the Saline Posts Facebook Group.
"Carry out will be an important part of our business, and relying on street parking alone or to cross Michigan Ave. is not ideal. After the meeting we have decided to pause our conversion of the space and are actively evaluating backing out of the project downtown in favor of a new location with parking," Branham said. "We want to be a part of the community, and have more decisions yet, but looking at all possible outcomes should this project move forward."
In recent years downtown Saline has lost McPherson Local, Enchanted Oven, the Cheese Shop of Saline, Smokehouse 52, and Rock Paper Scissors, among other small businesses.
So Saline city government is now driving downtown businesses out before they even get here. City parks are under utilized. Why are we shutting down parking, inhibiting existing businesses while discouraging new businesses when we have a abundance of parks that could be used for special events? Saline city council has their own agenda with little regard to the community they are elected to serve! Ridiculous!
This is the same city that recently proposed charging people to park in downtown Saline (without including themselves, considering that THEY all park in downtown Saline every day), when business owners have told them this is not good for patrons or their business. Looking at the current state of downtown, common sense would tell you paid parking is NOT the answer.
City leaders, please find another of the many nearby empty parks for the public space, or come up with a better solution, and quit doing things to continue killing our downtown.
The Downtown Design Study is intended to be an activity that considers better utilization of space in the downtown district. The first step in that process has been stakeholder engagement. The exercise thus far has been wholly vision setting, involving the exploration of possible ideas and the best uses for any future space.
This is just a conceptual design exercise at this point. There are currently no plans to build a new park downtown and no funds have been allocated to any capital projects associated with redesign of any downtown parking lots. We welcome and appreciate any and all feedback on the idea of a downtown gathering space as we continue to explore concepts. Ideally, the space would encourage positive public gathering for uses like special events, our weekly farmer’s market, or potentially a social district. Whatever the solution - the primary goal is to maintain adequate parking in the downtown district while improving the overall quality of place. Again, at this point, there is no formal plan to that effect, just the very early stages of a conversation.
Comments or questions on the Downtown Design Study can be made to Community Development Director, Ben Harrington, at
My problem here is taking available parking in the downtown area, which every downtown merchant needs, and turning it into a new use. This whole discussion by the city ignores the fact that downtown Saline has very little usable space left. This area is densely built. Using parkable space to have a vacant space for “gatherings” and such, will simply kill businesses anround it. Every time I use that parking lot, it is packed. Doesn’t matter what day or time, it’s hard to find parking. Maybe the city should send a survey to every city resident, and ask them what they envision for downtown Saline. But if a restaurant that is highly anticipated tells the city no, we’re backing out, because of your “gathering space” plan, find another plan, City of Saline.
Political rhetoric. Who proposed the initiative to close the parking lot downtown?