
All children starting kindergarten or preschool must have their hearing and vision tested before starting school. The Washtenaw County Health Department offers free office appointments for hearing and vision screenings for children entering school in the fall. Appointments are currently available from May until August 2024. Call 734-544-6786 to schedule.
“Young children and their parents may not realize if they have a hearing or vision problem,” says Deborah Thompson, Lead Hearing & Vision Technician at the Washtenaw County Health Department.
“Undiagnosed hearing and vision problems can be serious barriers to learning and development. Our goal is to identify problems early to make sure kids have all the tools they need to hear, see, and learn before school starts.”
Hearing and vision screening is required by the Michigan Public Health Code. Parents will be asked for proof of screening before their children enter kindergarten or head start. Once a child is in school, the Washtenaw County Health Department continues free in-school screenings on a regular basis.
Vision screening includes testing for visual acuity, farsightedness, ability to use two eyes together, and symptoms of eye problems. Hearing screenings are done with an audiometer and other equipment based on the child's needs.
In 2023, our team provided 40,746 hearing and vision screenings. Learn more about the Washtenaw County Health Department Hearing and Vision Program at
Washtenaw County Health Department
The Washtenaw County Health Department promotes health and works to prevent disease and injury in our community. Our mission is to assure, in partnership with the community, the conditions necessary for people to live healthy lives through prevention and protection programs.
Visit us at or call 734-544-6700. The Health Department also provides frequent social media updates (@wcpublichealth) and sends regular email updates; sign up at