Six days until the buildings at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds will be coming alive with the entry of exhibits for the Saline Community Fair. The barns will be set up and still exhibits can be entered on Monday, August 26 from 4 to 8 p.m. and on Tuesday, August 27 from 9 a.m. to noon. There is still plenty of time to put the finishing touches on those entries… print those photos and get them matted, complete the craft and hobby entries, as well as the paintings, needlework, quilting and barn quilt signs and all the food entries you would like to put on display and enter in the judging competitions. There are thousands of classes to exhibit in, from antiques to collections to fine arts, foods, floriculture, horticulture, and crops. Check out all the classes in the fair book section on the website at
There is also still time to complete our Reading for Rides Program. The Saline Community Fair is proud to have teamed up with the Saline District Library, Milan Public Library, Dexter District Library and Elliott’s Amusements ( to promote reading this summer with our Reading for Rides Program. Enjoy great reading with our local libraries and earn coupons to come and visit our fair, August 28 - September 1, 2024.
The Saline Community Fairboard is pleased to announce that again this year your gate admission of $10 for ages 11 and up will also include admission to the grandstand. In addition there are some daily admission specials so be sure to check them out on the Saline fair website and in our fair brochure. The fairboard is also looking forward to again having the Freedom Hill Haflinger Horse Hitch on the fairgrounds all week. They will be stalled in Building F and will be hitching each evening except Thursday at 5:45 p.m. A complete schedule is on the website home page.
The fair would not be possible without the sponsorship of many businesses, organizations and individuals and the assistance from many volunteers. There are opportunities for all ages to help at the fair. These range from assisting with set-up to welcoming visitors to many areas of the fair to driving the courtesy carts, plus many more. Go to
and on the home page just click on the volunteer section for information on who to contact.
In past years the Saline Community Fair has worked with several businesses who wanted to provide opportunities for employees and their families to attend the fair and enjoy various activities. As an appreciation to their employees the businesses have pre-purchased admission tickets and/or ride tickets, and then distributed them to their employees to enjoy the fair. If your business is interested in exploring this opportunity, please contact Steve Thelen, Assistant Fair Treasurer, by Tuesday, August 27 for additional information and/or to set up your specific package. He can be reached at 734-216-3671 or
A complete schedule of activities and other information can be found at Please follow us on facebook at Saline Community Fair and in Saline Post articles as this annual event approaches. There is something for everyone at the fair! Come and join “Lonnie the Llama” at the Saline Community Fair, August 28 – September 1, 2024.
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