Council Allows Brecon Grille, Smokehouse 52 to Use Leather Bucket Alley for Seating


Along with allowing the closure of South Ann Arbor Street for outdoor dining, Saline City Council voted to allow Brecon Grille and Smokehouse 52 to use Leather Bucket Alley for more dining space.

Leather Bucket Alley is the small city-owned alley off of South Ann Arbor Street, between the old Benito's Pizza and businesses like Brecon Grille and Smokehouse 52.

Use of the alley costs the restaurants $1, according to the license agreement.

There isn't much room for seating in the alley, especially since the owner of the Smokehouse 52 building installed stairs for the upstairs apartments. The more important feature of the alley is that by granting Smokehouse 52 seating there, the restaurant seating now stretches to the "Umbrella Square" on South Ann Arbor Street, allowing the restaurant to participate in the outdoor dining area credited with saving several restaurants last year.

A portion of the alley will be used to allow wait staff to traverse the alley between the restaurant and Umbrella Square.

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