
With a luminous smile and a high-octane laugh, Kathleen Schmidt Mangi brightened the day for anyone who crossed her path, but the 17 years of her unwelcome journey with Younger Onset Alzheimer’s Disease have now ended at age 75.
Kathleen was a scientist with a wide-ranging career which included, among other efforts, working for the Pentagon on the Star Wars program, and for the National Park Service on creating a new national park in Mississippi that acknowledged the horror of slavery. She worked for the Department of Energy on cleaning up leftover contamination from the Manhattan Project, and on compensating workers poisoned by radioactive materials.Born in Brooklyn, New York, Kathleen met and married Jim Mangi at school in upstate NY and together they pursued their careers all over the country--in Montauk and Syracuse NY, New Brunswick NJ, Seattle, WA, Greensboro and Raleigh NC, Huntsville AL, Arlington and Annandale VA.
They retired to Saline MI to be near their daughter and her family.Kathleen was an accomplished photographer, a member of an award-winning Sweet Adelines Chorus, and a winning amateur tennis player. She overcame her own abusive childhood and was a devoted mother to her daughter. Kathleen fought sexual discrimination and harassment decades before it was a mainstream issue; she pushed for comprehensive tolerance, (as she said, “Not just tolerance of people who agree with you”) and supported diverse groups battling hatred and bigotry.
After retiring from the Department of Energy, she worked with adults who were seeking their High School Equivalency, and as a volunteer in her local school system.Kathleen survived breast cancer, a double mastectomy, and then a second incidence of cancer ten years later. She beat cancer, but could not win the battle with Alzheimer’s Disease; no one ever has, yet. Even as the world became more and more confusing to her, she retained her sense of humor and the ability to launch zingers at her caregiving husband even when she no longer quite knew who he was. “Sweetheart”, husband Jim once said, taking her hands in his at the Memory Center where she lived for nearly 7 years, “You know I will always love you”. “Yes”, she said, “but I wish your hands weren’t so cold, you toad.”
Kathleen is survived by her husband of 49 years, Jim Mangi, and by their daughter Charlene Mangi. Cremation has taken place. There will be a celebration of Kathleen’s life on Saturday, January 11th. Starting at 10:00 AM, there will be a visitation in the Social Hall of Holy Faith Church (6299 Ann Arbor Saline Rd Saline, MI 48176). All who choose to stay for the in-person Celebration of Life Funeral Service at 12:00 PM in the church are welcome to do so. Holy Faith Pastor Rev. Andrea Martin will officiate. Rev. Theresa Rohlck of Ann Arbor’s First Unitarian Universalist Congregation will also participate. The service will be in hybrid format—in person and also on Zoom. Following the service there will be a reception, more music, more celebration, and a buffet, in the Church Social Hall. The reception too will be Zoomed, and friends joining remotely will be welcome to participate---see what’s going on, hear the music, join the conversation, and enjoy all aspects of the reception (except for the food).
Contact Jim Mangi ( for a link to participate via Zoom---no tech skills needed.Kathleen always cared much more about other people than about cut flowers, and since the church will provide more than enough flowers for the altar, any generosity you care to show in her honor could be directed toward supporting the faith-based outfit where she was cared for during the last 7 years of her 17 year journey-- EHM (Evangelical Homes of Michigan) 200 Brecon Dr Saline, MI 48176), or to the wonderfully welcoming Holy Faith Church 6299 Ann Arbor Saline Rd Saline 48176 MI. There’s also the non-profit that husband Jim set up a few years ago to raise awareness about dementia and help other persons with dementia live in the community with less difficulty and more dignity. That’s Dementia Friendly Saline ( 400 W. Russell St Saline MI 48176.To leave a memory you have of Kathleen, to sign her guestbook, or for directions please visit