City of Saline Healthcare Task Force Seeking People to Serve on Subcommittees


(This press release was submitted by the Saline Healthcare Improvement Taskforce Chair, Dawn Krause)

The Saline Healthcare Improvement Taskforce was formed in March 2021 with the goal of being able to offer additional patient-centered, value-based healthcare options in our area that are convenient to our residents.

The mission of this Taskforce is threefold:

  • Conduct a thorough needs-assessment to understand what is needed in the greater Saline area with regards to more robust local healthcare
  • Use public feedback to guide the prioritization of identifying/implementing patient-centered healthcare delivery solutions
  • Cultivate relationships and partner with surrounding healthcare organizations and providers to establish local options for residents to improve geographic access and enhance care-delivery for the greater Saline area

The Taskforce has set up subcommittees as follows:

  • Geographical: Saline, Bridgewater, York, Pittsfield, Lodi, Saline Twp, Clinton, Manchester, Milan (Need representatives to assist from each jurisdiction)
  • Research: Gather information to support the need for robust, local healthcare options
  • Survey: Work with local organizations to query residents as to healthcare needs
  • Healthcare Organizations: Michigan Medicine, IHA, Henry Ford, Trinity Health, Others
  • Inventory: Compile a thorough list of healthcare providers available in the area
  • DEI: Evaluate the evidence documenting disparities in access to healthcare experienced by racial/ethnic and otherwise underrepresented minority populations to make changes

Community engagement including folks from surrounding townships is vital. Time commitment may vary but on average it would be 5 hours per month for one year. We would like to engage the community in this undertaking by requesting those who are interested in serving on a subcommittee to email Dawn Krause at ( and 734-904-5663) or Jack Ceo, Saline City Council ( and 734-626-4514

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