Traffic Crash, Business Closures Result from Power Outage in Pittsfield Township


About 720 DTE customers in Pittsfield Township are without power Monday afternoon.

Power went out around 1:45 p.m. in an area near State Road and Michigan Avenue. DTE estimated power will be restored by 5:30 p.m.

The outage was blamed on an "equipment problem," according to the DTE website.

Saline-area residents and business owners reported the issue in the Saline Posts Facebook group.

Kim Kaster, owner of Brewed Awakenings at Moon Road and Michigan Avenue, said their was a four-vehicle crash at the busy intersection just minutes after power went out. Kaster said it didn't appear that anyone was severely injured in the crash.

Alicia Grace said Wal-Mart was without power and that the backup generator had failed.

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