Township Board Budget for Fire Services and Road Improvements


Trustees dealt with two major financial commitments for 2022 at its meeting Wednesday evening, The trustees approved two contracts, with the Saline Fire Department and the Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC).


The township board approved a contract with the Saline Fire Department for 2022 which included $194,024 in operating funds and $8,332 for capitol improvements. Township Clerk Kelly Marion said the amounts represented an 11.11% increase over the previous year. The capitol improvement funds will be used to purchase new equipment.

Township Supervisor Jim Marion reported that at a recent Fire Board meeting the department required additional funding from each of the participating jurisdictions (City of Saline, York, Lodi and Saline Townships) in order to continue to provide services at the current level. “The department said they were nearly broke, so the board approved a one-time additional allocation for the fire department.”

The exact amount of the additional allocation has yet to be finalized.

Washtenaw County Road Commission

Tim Dwyer, township resident who assists the township with securing road services from the WCRC.  Dwyer broke down the plan for 2022 for the board. Activity includes:

  • Dust control which includes two (2) solid applications of contract brine on all certified local gravel/limestone roads. Estimated 118,040 gallons of contract brine @ $0.199 per gallon. Total cost = $23,489.96.
  • Arkona Road, Macon Road to Case Road – work to include shaping existing surface application of 4’ on limestone. Total cost = $49,600.00.
  • Arkona Road, Maple Road to Jordan Road – work to include roadside berm removal, shaping existing surface and application of 4’ of limestone. Total cost = $62,600.00.
  • Macon Road, Arkona Road to Willow Road – work to include shaping the existing surface, application of 5’ of limestone. Total cost = $76,400.00.
  • Arkoma Road. Abel Road to Bridgewater Twp. Line – work to include shaping the existing surface, application of 4’ of limestone. Total cost = $9,500.00.

The WCRC is contributing $33,451.00 in local matching funds bringing the township total to $188,138.96.

Andelina Farms

Dan Cabage, Senior Project Manager with Fleis & Vanderbrink, Consulting Engineer for the township, reported that the State of Michigan is in the process of providing approval for the water and sewer plants at the development. “Andelina has to submit revised site plans for Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the development to the township planning commission,” Cabage reported. He thought the site plans might take another couple of months.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. The next township planning commission meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 04/05/22. The April township board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 04/13/22. Both meetings begin at 7 p.m. at the Saline Township Hall on Braun Road.

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