Scarecrow Contest Voting Begins


The creative creations have been showing up slowly but surely in the downtown of Saline for the 5th Annual Saline Scarecrow Contest.  The current count is at 20 different scarecrows representing individuals, local businesses, and local organizations.  Many more have indicated they have a good idea for a scarecrow having registered, but must still be putting on the finishing touches as they haven't shown up just yet.  

Hopefully, those soon to be participants don't wait too long as the voting phase of the contest has begun!  Anyone that would like to may vote for their favorite scarecrow up to once per day from October 17th through October 29th.  

Voting is done online here:

Everyone is encouraged to come downtown to see all the entries and to decide how they want to cast their vote.  Coming downtown to see the scarecrows is also a great reason to come see how much progress has been made on the Michigan Avenue reconstruction project.  It seems like it's been a long time with all the dust, equipment and traffic flow disruption, but it actually looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel on this construction project.  Come on down and see what your new downtown looks like.  And while you are at it don't forget to pop into your favorite downtown store.

Entries can also be viewed on the official website:

Contest updates may also be followed on the official facebook page:

New for 2016 has been the addition of an optional "Construction" entry, which has the scarecrow entry featuring a construction theme.  So far there have been 4 entries in this category.

Entries will be accepted into the contest up until October 26th, so take note procrastinators, it's still not too late.  But don't wait too long, we want to be able to enjoy your creative talents for at least a little while downtown.

The winners will be crowned on October 30th, so don't forget to vote and vote often!

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