
Are you opposed to the proposed development at 865 N. Ann Arbor Rd?

This post expresses the views and opinions of the author(s) and not necessarily that of The Saline Post management or staff.

If you are opposed to this development, please sign this petition:… or attend a Saline City Council or Planning Commission meeting to share your concerns. The calendar for these meetings is available at:

A builder out of Livonia is seeking approval to construct an apartment complex at the property on 865 N. Ann Arbor Rd. They submitted plans for this development at the August 14th, 2024 Planning Commission meeting (the agenda for this meeting and detailed plans for the development is available:…). These plans included a request to waive a 100 ft buffer perimeter, so these large buildings will be built very close to Ann Arbor-Saline Rd and the existing homes nearby. Since the back acreage is wetlands, the 51 units will be squeezed on approximately 2 acres immediately next to Ann Arbor-Saline Rd. This construction will increase traffic along this already busy route into Saline and make entering/leaving the subdivision across the street via Harper Dr. difficult and dangerous at rush hour.

This location is also just before the historic homes of Saline. These large, towering buildings will detract from the historical, small town nature of Saline. Rather than developing this land in a way that is out of character for the area, small, entry-level homes that would give young homeowners a way into the housing market should be considered.

Please consider voicing your opinion to encourage Saline City Council and the Planning Commission to oppose this construction and consider something more inline with the small town Saline that so many of us love.

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