The Mill Pond Park riverwalk is another step closer to reality.
The Southeast Michigan Council of Government awarded an $800,000 grant to the City of Saline for the purpose of constructing the riverwalk.
The city is planning a non-motorized trail along the Saline River at Mill Pond Park. The trail would run from Bennett Street to the sidewalk on Michigan Avenue.
In the past, city officials have put the cost of the project at nearly $1 million. The most recent Saline Parks master plan also estimates a $1 million pricetag.
At $1 million the project is by far the most expensive on the Saline Parks and Rec plan.
Other potential projects for Mill Pond Park include over the next five years include:
- Refurbishing the parking area and existing trails. Up to $300,000.
- Adding a fishing dock or observation area on the river or pond. Up to $60,000.
- Adding a separate small dog enclosure at the dog park. Up to $80,000.
- Add a park sign along Michigan Avenue. Up to $8,000.
- Evaluating the feasibility of connecting to a proposed rail trail along the Wood Outlet Drain. No cost estimated.
SEMCOG's regional review committee selected Saline as one of the recipients from its Carbon Reduction Program. Approximately $9.5 million in CRP funding was available for the seven-county Southeast Michigan region in each of fiscal years 2024, 2025, and 2026 for eligible projects
The city was previously granted a $40,000 grant for the design and engineering of the riverwalk project.
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