ROWING: 4 Saline Boats Take First


Four Saline boats took first place at the Glass City Regatta in Toledo Saturday.

In the Men's Novice 8_, Coxwain Leah DeCaro and Carter Smith, Noah Brown, Miles Erickson, Viren Sheoran, Brady Carpender, Sebastian Burtell, Lucas Baird and Sam Daniels finished first.

In the Mixed Open 8+, Coxwain Shephard Orwing and Dominic Buccirosso, Rohail Ahmen, Bryan Kim, Jacob Miller, Lillianne Richter, Kennedy Orwing, M Habrehct and Mia Tokuyama won their race.

In the Men's Open 2x, Dominic Bucirooso and Rohail Ahmed won their race.

Saline's other win came in the Men's Novice 4+, led by Coxwain Leah DeCaro and featuring a lineup of Carter Smith, Noah Brown, Miles Erickson and Viren Sheoran.

In the Men's Youth 1x, Luke Chai took second. In the Women's Youth 1x, Maddie Corn took third place.

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