Restaurant Dining Rooms Closed Until Feb. 1, Some High School Sports Can Begin


Restaurant owners and employees are going to have to endure winter without indoor dining until at least Feb. 1, according to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services updated health order.

Restaurant dining rooms have been closed since before Thanksgiving due to the state's COVID-19 mitigation efforts.

The new health order, which takes effect Saturday, lifts some restrictions in other sectors. Indoor group exercise and non-contact sports will be able to resume. Facilities like the Saline Rec Center should have the ability to open the pool for wider use and allow fitness classes indoors with social distancing and mask use.

For high school sports, this means sports like gymnastics bowling and swim and dive can begin Jan. 22-25. Spectators will be allowed, with 100 people allowed in school gyms and 250 people allowed in arenas and stadiums. Basketball, competitive cheer, ice hockey and wrestling, considered "contact sports" may begin no-contact practice Jan. 16. The first contests are slated to begin Feb. 1 - if the COVID-19 situation continues to improve. The winter sports seasons will be extended. High school athletes, other than swimmers, divers and gymnasts, will be required to use masks during competition.

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