
On Wednesday, the Saline Area Fire Board for the first time since the May 16 special meeting in which firefighters from multiple defended Saline Fire Chief Jason Sperle, who they believed was about to be fired at the behest of Saline Mayor Brian Marl.
The meeting takes place at 6 p.m. at the Saline Area Fire Department, 205 E. Michigan Ave.
Members of the community are expected to once again speak in support of Chief Sperle. Sources close to the fire board told The Saline Post that any effort to fire Sperle has been defeated at least for now.
Sources on the fire board previously confirmed that Mayor Marl, one of two city representatives on the board, was politicking behind the scenes before the last meeting to convince the board to fire Sperle. One of the reasons allegedly cited by Marl was that the firefighters had lost faith in their chief - a claim that appeared utterly false when firefighter after firefighter spoke up publicly in support of Sperle. Marl also reportedly delivered a packet of information to Lodi Township for Supervisor Jan Godek - a member of the board. The Saline Post attempted to FOIA that packet. Lodi Township Clerk Christina Smith replied that she could not provide the document.
"The requested material was shredded per direction of Mayor Marl after being read by Supervisor Godek, the envelope was addressed to Supervisor Godek, and marked confidential. Jan told me she read and then shredded the letter. I have no further information to supply to you," Smith said.
The day before, reached by phone, Godek had told The Saline Post she was unaware of any document from Marl and was unaware of the reason for the meeting.
Confronted about calling a meeting to fire Sperle, Marl had no comment.
Confronted about delivering documents with a request to shred them, Marl had no comment, but said it the accusation was salacious.
The Saline City Council members were all sent questions about whether they thought Mayor Marl was representing the city well on the fire board, whether council approves of Sperle's performance, and whether they approved of Marl's apparent behind-the-scenes attempts to have Sperle removed.
Councillors Janet Dillon, Nicole Rice, Chuck Lesch, Jack Ceo, and Jenn Harmount did not reply.
Councillor Dean Girbach partially replied.
"While most of these questions appear to be based on rumor, gossip, or, in some cases, poor recollections, my position regarding the administration and structure of the fire department, along with its priorities, has not changed. These are documented in meetings for the past two years," Girbach said. "Ensuring there is effective leadership in place and capable of running a 21st-century operation remains one of my top priorities. Decisions regarding oversight, adequate redundancies, EEOC compliance, financial controls, and overall operational management have raised many alarms as to whether the current operation is headed in the right direction."
Mayor Marl also replied - appearing to threaten legal action over the questions The Saline Post sent to council and a recent FOIA request The Saline Post submitted to the city. Marl also said he believed The Saline Post should retract some of its content.
Marl continues to conceal the reasons for the closed-session meeting, and conceal his opinion of Chief Sperle's performance. Nor has he commented yet on the allegation that he requested Supervisor Godek shred the documents sent to her.
Marl also brought the matter up at the Saline City Council meeting Monday.
"There have been statements made online which are not factual, scurrilous and potentially libel," Marl said. "I don't think it's appropriate to base opinion, on conjecture, rumor, hearsay or anonymous sources."
(Editor's Note: When government officials hide facts and details, The Saline Post will occasionally use sources without naming them. It is up to each individual reader to then decide if they believe the report is credible.)
These articles keep getting worse - more speculation, dubious "anonymous" sources, hearsay, and conjecture. Instead of facts driving a story, the author has concocted several false narratives, and is now on a fishing expedition to corroborate his ridiculous claims. Again, let him provide some actual *evidence* to substantiate these assertions.
For the third time now, this "mystery packet" with Lodi, that's nonsense - as is the assertion that I ever indicated firefighters had lost faith in their Chief. That never occurred, it is an absolute lie.
Finally, the author knows full well, it is not a matter of "concealing" - elected/appointed officials, can not, by law, (MCL 15.273 and State of Michigan Open Meetings Act Handbook) discuss or reveal the substance of any closed or executive sessions. I don't make the rules, but I am obligated to follow them - again, the author knows all this, but thought he'd take another cheap shot at me and the City of Saline.
And yes, The Saline Post, should retract its previous claim that we were retaliating against the SAFD due to our inability to permanently close South Ann Arbor Street. That claim is without merit and potentially liable. Unfortunately, the author here, appears to lack the respect and professionalism needed to acknowledge this clear and unambiguous mistake - repeating on numerous occasions a scurrilous rumor, devoid of fact.
The Fire Board meeting is tonight - the agenda, including, the issues that will actually be voted on/discussed, is provided below. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Thank you, Mayor Marl. I have been shocked and appalled at this reporting. It’s perfectly ok to disagree with someone, but this reporting goes way beyond this.
It appears that this reporter has an axe to grind. That's not fair and impartial reporting. But at the same time , there are plenty of issues to report on at the school district and school board, and he just ignores them.
Don’t confuse City Politics with Saline District schools. Two separate issues. Read the fine print on Saline Post disclaimer. Tran is reporting to what actually transpired. As a journalist he is subject to conjecture but in my opinion he is doing his job. Marl and city council tried to do an end around on the Chief and they continue to lie through their teeth to cover their deception. Crooked politics at Saline City Hall.
I am not confusing anything. I am saying CLEARLY that Tran should sniff around the schools, because he might find a story.
With all due respect, you have NO right to mansplain me and attempt to tell me what to do. I’m a grown woman, and I don’t need your help!!!!!!
I appreciate Mayor Marl’s clarification on the procedures regarding closed sessions. I, like many others, aren’t aware of the process for this and it is good information to take into account.
The problem is that the public never seems to get a response or actual information from those in government (or school administration) until something like this article occurs.
Tran states that he went through the proper channels for information, and has hit walls. Only one city council member has responded to him. None have made their own statements regarding the situation that could further inform the public. We like information. We would like it shared more from our city officials.
I will also say that anonymous sources have been used in journalism for decades. Solely using them does not necessarily call an entire article into question. The editor’s note provides clarification.