Saline Middle School Science Olympiad Racks Up Medals, Takes Third at Hillsdale College, Invited to the State Tournament


The Saline Middle School Science Olympiad Team placed third overall at the Hillsdale College Regional Competition on March 20th and received an invitation to compete at the 2021 State Tournament on May 1. 

"We are extremely proud of all of our Olympians who worked so hard during this difficult year. I am so happy to see that their dedication paid off," said Lisa Spencer, Head Coach of the Middle School team.

Earning medals in the regional competition include:

1st Place:

  • Experimental Design - Neah Bloch (8th grade) and Weiran Alice Jiang (8th grade)

2nd Place:

  • Crime Busters - Mindy Collis (8th grade) and Ethan Hornberger (8th grade)
  • Game On - Neah Bloch (8th grade) and Vedulasre Manikandan Sankari (7th grade)
  • Helicopter - Vedulasre Manikandan Sankari (7th grade)

3rd Place:

  • Circuit Lab - Andrew Irgang (8th grade) and Vedulasre Manikandan Sankari (7th grade)
  • Density Lab - Andrew Irgang (8th grade) and Adrian Sieh (8th grade)
  • Food Science - Weiran Alice Jiang (8th grade) and Rylie Torzewski (7th grade)
  • Heredity - Owen Bloch (8th grade) and Ethan Hornberger (8th grade)
  • Heredity (Alt) - Aadarsh Dittakavi (6th grade) and Abhay Dittakavi (6th grade)
  • Machines - Maybelle Hart (6th grade) and Pradhyuth Shivakumaran (8th grade)
  • Meteorology - Oren Dhamrat (6th grade) and Andrew Irgang (8th grade)
  • Reach for the Stars - Oren Dhamrat (6th grade) and Maybelle Hart (6th grade)
  • Road Scholar - Owen Bloch (8th grade) and Neah Bloch (8th grade)
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