Blue Heron Resting at Curtiss Park


Curtiss Park and Mill Pond Park, and the Saline River running through them, are known for being home to  Great Blue Herons.

This one photobombed me while I was trying to get a picture of the falls at Curtiss Park on Wednesday evening. Perhaps our dog scared it from a tree.

It landed on the east side of the river but then flipped sides to the west side.

I hoped the lanky bird might take flight, but it seemed intent on not cooperating.

According to the Michigan Natural Features Registry, the Great Blue Heron is found in wetland habitats in Michigan and elsewhere in eastern North America. They feed in calm and slow waters, including lakes, rivers, ponds, marshes and swamps - and the Saline River looked and smelled rather still Wednesday. 

Learn more about the Great Blue Heron at the link.

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