Primary Vote: Saline Voters Reject Charter Proposal


City of Saline voters have rejected a proposed charter amendment.

The proposal did two things. It reduced the residency requirement for running for office or serving on a city board/commission from two years to one year. In addition, the proposal sought to make all references in the charter gender-neutral.

The proposal failed by just 14 votes, 1137-1123.

Council has another charter planned for the general election in November. That proposal will ask voters to increase council member terms from two to four years.

City of Saline Charter Proposal Yes No
Precinct 1 590 556
Precinct 2 533 581
Total 1123 1137

30.36 percent of the 7891 registered voters cast ballots.

What caused the referendum to fail? Understanding why it failed may be difficult since council bundled two different proposals in the same question.

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Typical Saline City Council. Let’s be ambiguous as possible to make sure things go our way.  Council only serves council!  
Corrupt, deceiving and dishonest. The mayor is driving the bus!  Reminds me of a former president. 🧐

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