City of Saline Strikes Holiday Decorating Work Group


Jason and Amy Miller take a break from hanging lights downtown to pose for a picture last December. The Lodi Township residents donated lights and holiday decorations and then installed them.

The City of Saline formed a new working group to tackle the challenge of decorating the community for the winter holidays.

The city's Holiday Decoration Working Group will be led by co-chairs Jason and Amy Miller, who were responsible for purchasing and installing many of the decorations displayed last year in downtown Saline. They'll be joined in the group City Councillor Janet Dillon, Assistant City Manager Mike Green, Main Street President Jill Durnen and Saline Area Historical Society Vice-President Lance Holland.

In his memo to council, Mayor Brian Marl said last year's display should be expanded to create a "warm and inviting atmosphere in the heart of our community."

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