Charges in Two Saline Domestic Violence Cases


Two Saline men were arraigned in separate domestic violence cases.

Michael Steven King, a 23-year-old Saline man, was charged with two counts of domestic violence on Jan. 10 in 14A District Court in front of Judge Anna Frushour.

The alleged incidents occurred Jan. 7 at Six Trails Apartments in Saline.

He has a pre-trial hearing on Feb. 13.

Richard Hadden Yost II, 53, was charged with domestic violence - third offense. He was arraigned in front of Judge Mohammed Odetalla Jan. 13.

On Jan. 12, on Clark Street in the City of Saline Yost went to a neighbor's home wearing nothing but an undershirt, according to a police report, and told the neighbor to call 911. When police arrived, the alleged victim told police that Yost had been drinking and became violent with her, hitting her and pulling her hair.

A preliminary exam is scheduled for 9 a.m., Feb. 4 in front of 14A District Court Judge Frushour.

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