
The Saline District Library is pleased to announce the completion of the majority of its Renovations & Site Improvements Project. SDL will hold a Renovation Celebration Open House on Saturday, February 15, 1-4 pm. Attendees will get to tour the improved interior spaces, enjoy refreshments and entertainment, participate in crafts, and explore the new outdoor SDL story trail, plaza and pavilion.
Interior renovations took place in 3 phases to allow the library to stay open to the public as much as possible during construction. Phase 1, which began in June 2024, focused on a new Teen Room, new comfortable seating in the adult area, new public computers, and a new adult reference desk. Phase 2 created a new front desk, a home for the library’s innovative ETC Collection, and improvements to work areas for staff. Phase 3, which included major renovations to the Youth Department, new program rooms and study rooms, and a new Commons area, wrapped up in January.
Exterior site improvements were completed in Fall 2024. SDL celebrated with a ribbon cutting in November for a new plaza, pavilion, and story trail. Work continues to complete a new location for the Friends of the Library Book Shop and a fully accessible gender neutral restroom, which should be completed in March. SDL will also open a drive-through service window at which community members can pick up library materials they have reserved.
The renovations and site improvements will cost approximately $4 million, paid for by SDL fund balances that were established for this purpose. The Friends of the Saline District Library have also generously committed to a $100,000 contribution to the project.
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