Brendan Morrison, Drew Barker and Ian Balint Make Dean's List at Albion College
ALBION, MI -- Albion College announces the Fall 2024 semester Dean's List as well as those students named Albion College Fellows with a grade point average of 3.75 or above and three consecutive semesters on the Dean's List.
Saline student Brendan Morrison was named to Albion College's Dean's List. Morrison is majoring in finance with a concentration in the Carl A. Gerstacker Institute for Business and Management. Morrison is the child of Kenneth Morrison and Jean Morrison of Saline and is a graduate of Saline High School.
Saline student Drew Barker was named to Albion College's Dean's List. Barker is majoring in accounting-CPA emphasis with a concentration in the Carl A. Gerstacker Institute for Business and Management. Barker is the child of Jeanette Barker and Christopher Barker of Saline and is a graduate of Saline High School.
Saline student Ian Balint was named to Albion College's Dean's List. Balint is majoring in marketing management and sports communication. Balint is the child of John Balint and Mylinda Balint of Saline and is a graduate of Saline High School.
Albion College is a private liberal arts college of approximately 1,500 students and is nationally recognized for its academic excellence in the liberal arts tradition, a learning-centered commitment, and a future-oriented perspective. The College is a leader in preparing students to anticipate, solve, and prevent problems in order to improve the human and global condition. Albion immerses students in the creation and processing of knowledge, and graduates skilled architects of societal change, active citizens, and future leaders. The College is dedicated to the highest quality in undergraduate education and is committed to diversity as a core institutional value.
Albion, Michigan, is a culturally diverse community in the south-central part of the state. The College recognizes the value of community, both on- and off-campus, and has invested resources in supporting the revitalization of the greater Albion community. This work offers an increasingly vibrant city around the campus that provides students with a fuller experience as they prepare to become engaged citizens in their own communities.
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