Retiring Saline Fire Chief Craig Hoeft received the ceremonial key to the city from Saline Mayor Brian Marl at the June 2 meeting of the Saline Area Fire Board.
In presenting the key to the city, Marl read from a City of Saline proclamation which highlighted his career and listed many of the civic organizations and events Hoeft volunteered for, including the Board of Education, the Friends of Fiddlers ReStrung, Toys for Tots, the Chili Cookoff, and Summerfest Firehouse Chicken Barbecue and more.
Hoeft was also honored with a plaque from the Saline Area Fire Board, by US Rep. Tim Walberg, and State Rep. Donna Lasinski.
Walberg said it was a privilege to honor Chief Hoeft.
"It's always a special privilege to thank public servants who not only show up for meetings and show up to make an impact to the community, but put their lives on the line as well to make sure others are safe and protect property," said Rep. Walberg. "We wish you all the best in years to come. Thank you for your service."
Lasinski said people like Hoeft are what make Saline the town it is.
She presented Hoeft with a tribute signed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist, State Sen. Jeff Irwin and State Rep. Lasinski.
Lasinski said Gov. Whitmer asked her to pass on her personal congratulations for his retirement.
Hoeft, a native of Saline, began his career with the Saline Area Fire Department in 1978.