Have Books You Want to Donate? The Library's Corner Book Shop is Accepting Them. Here are the Details.
The Corner Book Shop at Saline District Library invites you to sign up for by-appointment donations on Saturday, June 26, from 10:15am to 2:00pm.
As a small, all-volunteer shop, we need to regulate the flow donations at this time to be sure they come in quantities we can manage successfully. For this event, we ask you to limit your donation to no more than three (3) grocery bags- full of items.
The Library’s current safety guidance applies to this event: “For the safety of all of our visitors, and to ensure compliance with MIOSHA Emergency Rules and the current MDHHS Gatherings and Face Mask Order, we require that everyone aged two and older wear a face mask while inside the library building, and we ask that you continue to keep a safe social distance from other visitors outside your own group. Thank you for helping to keep our community’s most vulnerable members healthy and safe.”
** Soon: Schedule your 5-minute appointment between 10:15am and 2:00pm on Saturday, June 26, using SignUp.com:
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page: https://signup.com/go/askBVRk
2. Choose your time slot and click the "Sign Up" button.
3. Enter your email address. SignUp.com uses your email to send you confirmation and reminders. [You will not need to register an account on SignUp.com; note also that SignUp.com does not share your email address with anyone.]
4. On the participant’s info page, add your name, and un-click the two boxes below to opt out of automatically receiving the website’s newsletter.
**June 26: Donation Saturday
1. At your appointment time, enter the library, immediately turn right, and come to the door of the Brecon Room. If the previous donor is still at the door, please wait at a safe distance until they leave.
2. Place your donation on the table in the doorway, and then exit the library.
** What to donate - books, DVDs, puzzles, music on CD
1. Very gently used, newer books
2. Puzzles, with boxes taped shut
3. Please, no cassette recordings and no games -- these also cannot be scanned into our online system
Please direct any questions to us at cornerbookshoponline@gmail.com
Thank you!
Kathy Moberg, Mary Palmerton, Linda TerHaar, and Maureen Walters
The Corner Book Shop Committee
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Updated information for this event: As of this morning, 8 afternoon appointments are still available.
We still ask you to limit your donation to no more than three (3) grocery bags full of items.
Masks are no longer required for library patrons, but are still welcome if that's your preference.