With New State Orders in Place, Washtenaw County Health Department Rescinds Orders
Washtenaw County Health Department is rescinding local emergency orders requiring COVID-19 screening. Screening, social distancing, face coverings and additional public health strategies to protect everyone’s health to the greatest degree possible are now covered in Michigan Executive Orders and under guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Significant changes include eliminating requirements to self-quarantine after domestic travel for most workers. Executive Order 2020-71, however, maintains specific requirements for food workers and pharmacy employees; they must self-quarantine at home for 14 days following travel outside of Michigan. Other types of employees who have travelled but may continue working should wear a mask at work for 14 days following the travel.
Washtenaw County Health Department has prepared a COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Workplaces document to address questions and a workplace sample health screening form to guide screening procedures. As before, owners, operators and service providers may direct additional or urgent questions to 734-544-6700 or l-wchdcontact@washtenaw.org. If calling, please leave a message as most calls are returned remotely.
The Health Department will continue to use CDC guidance to provide appropriate instructions for isolation or quarantine when individuals are diagnosed with COVID-19 or have close, personal contact with a confirmed case.
Oakland and Ingham County Health Departments are joining Washtenaw County in rescinding similar orders today.
Please continue to rely on official sources information: local www.washtenaw.org/covid19; state www.Michigan.gov/coronavirus; and national www.cdc.gov/coronavirus.
Resources from Washtenaw County Health Department
- Guidance for Businesses
- COVID-19 Testing Information
- Detailed directions for home isolation, quarantine, social distancing, monitoring: English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Arabic
- Face Masks Do’s Don’ts and FAQs: English, Spanish
- Stop the Spread: English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Vietnamese
- Materials in English and other languages including community testing flyers
Please see also, CDC health considerations for specific groups and implementing safety practices for critical infrastructure workers who may have been exposed to COVID-19.
Washtenaw County Health Department
The Washtenaw County Health Department promotes health and works to prevent disease and injury in our community. Our mission is to assure, in partnership with the community, the conditions necessary for people to live healthy lives through prevention and protection programs.
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