
The Saline High School marching band may have had its final Hornet Stadium performance of the year.
Last Friday was senior night for the marching band, directed by Nate Lampman. With the football team starting the playoffs on the road, it might have been the last time we saw this particular group at Hornet Stadium.
But fear not, you can still catch the band at community events like the Christmas Parade and Memorial Day Parade.
The marching band is led by drum majors Holden Collins and Sam Scarlett. Here's a complete list of the seniors honored:
Megan Bankowski
Nishan Bhattacharyya
Max Boies
Holden Collins
Dylan Conlon
Clara Cronin
Claudia Curcione
Spencer Dickensheets
Mickey Ducca
Morgan Fancher
Erik Firehammer
Ryan Greubel
Zoe Hajratwala
Sam Halloway
Aidan Hartman
Ricardo Hernandez Reyes
Nathan Holloway
Allison Houston
Kai Jackson
Janna Jacobson
Elizabeth Johnson
Ben Keith
Natalie Kolano
Ryan Lampman
YoYo Lao
Blake LaRusso
Ian Lebert
Cordelia Leon
Alex Lindemann
Maheel Luqman
Haley Mills
Seanna Nava Salazar
Carlos Nava-Reynoso
Kyle Nyitray
Bella Patel
Charlotte Peterson
Grace Popa
Emma Rose Reilly
Sam Scarlett
Kim Schamberger
Hannah Shumway
Elizabeth Solis
Isabella Sowa
Ian Spitael
Josh VerWoert
Noah Walters
Allie Weaver
Jared Webb
Elliott Weigel
Wesley Welt
Will Wisner
Jenny Wolf
Aidan Yelsma
Eileen Zong