Saline Twirlettes Show Off National Championship Trophy at City Hall


The Saline Twirlettes appeared at City Hall Monday to show off their national championship trophy in front of the mayor and city council.

The Twirlettes competed in the National Baton Twirling Association’s Grand National Baton Twirling Championships in July and came away with another huge trophy for being Grand National Show Corps with Props national champions.

Now the Saline Twirlettes are preparing  to help represent Team USA at the Olympics of World Baton Twirling Championships held in the Netherlands next April.

Coach Susan Usher said the Saline Twirlettes are the community's oldest youth group. And while the group has grown to add twirlers from other communities, they maintain "Saline" in their name.

"We're so proud to represent Saline," Usher said.

The Twirlettes celebrated their 50th anniversary last year. For more information visit

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