Nominate Saline's Most Eye-Catching Gardens


The City of Saline Parks Commission wants to honor the people behind Saline's most colorful gardens.

Nominations for the Green Thumb Award are due July 31. (Download by clicking the link below)

The Green Thumb Award is designed to recognize those residents, businesses and organizations who've gone the extra yard to make the community a more beautiful place.

Please nominate your neighbors, friends, or a Saline business within Saline city limits. Look for colorful gardens with a variety of plants, window boxes, back yards, or any type of garden that is eye catching. Nominate as many gardens as you want, but please use a separate form for each nomination.

Anyone may make a nomination but the nominee’s property must be within Saline city limits.

Nomination forms will be accepted at City Hall or Saline Rec Center. Fax to: (734) 429-5208; mail to 1866 Woodland Drive, Saline, MI 48176, Attn: Green Thumb Award or email to:

The Parks Commission will vote on the nominations Aug. 20. The awards will be presented at a Saline City Council meeting in September.


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