Could Saline soon have its first cannabis retailer?
Visio Clara is the real estate holding company for Lume Cannabis Co., which has 30 retail outlets in Michigan and 11 more in the works. Officials from Visio Clara and Lume Cannabis Co. will speak for Saline City Council Monday about their interest on Lot 20A - the city-owned vacant parcel on Michigan Avenue between Zippy Auto Wash and the Oaks Shopping Plaza.
The company has sent a non-binding letter of intent to realtor Tony Caprarese, who has been the city's broker for most of its land sales over the last eight years. The letter of intent serves as a proposal to purchase the 6.54-acre parcel.
The letter of intent included in the public agenda packet does not show a proposed price for the property. The real estate listing shows the city seeks $817,500 for the property.
According to the letter, Visio Clara plans to build the cannabis store on Michigan Avenue and then work with brokers to help develop the back of the parcel.
At the moment, the city does not permit recreational marijuana business but the city's Code Review Task Force, at the direction of city council, is working on a new ordinance that would regular such business.
GBA Development had a purchase and development agreement that would have been worth $817,500 - however, GBA's plans for the property continued to shift as the property sat empty, so the city chose not to extend the agreement.
The city also spoke with IHA about buying the property, but that deal fell through, reportedly, because the IHA was not willing to agree with the city's request to develop an urgent care clinic on the property.
The council meeting begins at 7 p.m., Monday.
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