Rentschler Farm Museum has been part of the US 12 Statewide Garage Sale for several years. Now in our 10th Year, the Saline Area Historical Society sale will take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday Aug. 11 and Saturday, Aug. 12. The US 12 Sale goes from Wayne County all the way across 180+ miles to Berrien County. Some locations also offer Sunday sales, but Rentschler Farm is closed on Sunday as it is out by late Saturday afternoon.
Shoppers will find everything from antiques, collectibles, furniture, tableware, fresh garden produce, honey, jams, furniture, handcrafted items, specialty foods and all sorts of vintage treasures, including salvaged items such as tools. We expect to have antique dealers, vendors, and crafters as well as typical garage sale booths. Our Salvage Barn and Gift Shop will be open.
Rentschler Farm is Saline’s official site for the Heritage Passport Stamp (free). Bring your own National Parks Passport or purchase one in the gift shop for $12.
During the farm sale, the buildings will not be open. The depot museum with its ever popular caboose will be open as usual on Saturday, when Saline’s Summerfest coincides with the US 12 Garage Sale.
Parking and entrance are free, but of course, the Saline Area Historical Society always happy to accept a small donation at the entrance gate. It helps defray the society's costs.
Sales from our own SAHS booth, salvage barn and gift shop, as well as booth rental fees, benefit the museums.
The farm is located at 1265 E. Michigan Ave., one mile east of Downtown Saline. The farm is between the automotive factory and Sauk Trail Shopping Center.
For a US 12 Heritage Trail Map of Sales, go to two or three days before to the sale.
Prior to our sale, call 734-944-0442 for additional information or visit