Want to Make Downtown Saline Bloom in 2017? Become a Be Bloomin’ Sponsor!  


Saline Main Street is accepting sponsorships for the 2017 Be Bloomin’ program in downtown Saline. After a year off because of construction, downtown Saline is ready to bloom again and you can help! How? By sponsoring a Be Bloomin’ hanging basket.

Be Bloomin’ is the Saline Main Street program that places beautiful flowers in hanging baskets in Downtown Saline. The flowers breathe beauty, color and life into our downtown every spring and summer. This year, the baskets will be filled with beautiful flowers that will make our downtown vibrant once again!

To become a Be Bloomin’ sponsor, click here and register online. Or stop by the Saline Main Street office at 131 E. Michigan Ave. STE E. or City Hall and pick up a form that you can mail in. As a Be Bloomin’ sponsor, you help add the beauty of flowers to our downtown. For a $100.00, a sponsorship will be placed with your basket noting your participation.  You can sponsor in the name of a loved one, a memorial, business, or group, etc. A plaque will be created and placed on the light pole or planter box with your designation.

If you have questions, email director@salinemainstreet.org or call 734-717-7406.

The mission of Saline Main Street is to enhance the vitality of Downtown Saline as the social, cultural, economic and historic heart of our community. For more information about Saline Main Street visit www.salinemainstreet.org  or contact Riley Hollenbaugh, Executive Director of Saline Main Street at (734) 717-7406.

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