Saline Area Schools Frugal in Some Areas to Pay Teachers


A brief conversation about finances at the Saline Board of Education meeting highlighted the always interesting Bulletin 1014, the annual financial rankings of Michigan public school districts.

Trustee Dennis Valenti said the board’s finance committee recently poured over Bulletin 1014 with Janice Warner, Assistant Superintendent for Finance for Saline Area Schools.

“Really, when you look at financials, we really compare quite favorably with some of our peers. We do more with less. I attribute that to all of you,” Valenti said, motioning to administrators in the audience.

  Per Pupil Funding Rank Instruction Salaries & Benefits Rank Instructional Support Rank
Saline 10,375 205 5,094 103 1,626 43
Ann Arbor $12,514 76 $7,199 45 $2,011 19
Chelsea $10,511 187 $5,937 192 $1,577 49
Dexter $10,265 231 $5,557 320 $1,619 46
Milan $10,563 182 $5,094 489 $1,701 39
  Business & Administration Rank Operations & Maintenance Rank Average Teacher Salary Rank
Saline $951 788 $786 563 $75,075 12
Ann Arbor $1,483 170 $848 472 $71,564 29
Chelsea $1,108 647 $1,016 313 $68,276 51
Dexter $997 765 $530 805 $60,560 172
Milan $1,125 631 1,012 315 $61,727 139

For years, the district has cut back on administration costs to channel money to instruction.

Despite the recent drag on teacher salaries at Saline Schools, Saline teachers ranked 12th in the state in average teacher salary according to the 2015-16 Bulletin 2014, the most recent available on the state website.

Average teacher salary in Saline is $75,075.

Looking at Saline’s neighbors, Saline teacher salary is the highest in Washtenaw County. Ann Arbor teachers are the closest at $71,564. But Ann Arbor Public Schools are funded at $12,514-per-pupil, compared to $10,375-per-pupil in Saline.

In Dexter, per-pupil funding is slightly lower than Saline, at $10,265. Teacher Salary is only $60,560, which ranks 172nd in the state.

Warner provided the board with a ranking of the 25 school districts who pay the most to teachers. She noted that districts who pay teachers the most are often among the most frugal when it comes to paying for operations and maintenance and business and administration.

“With just a few exceptions, those districts with a higher average teacher salary are ranked very low in other areas,” Warner said. “So those districts are putting their money into the classroom and into instructional costs.”

See the PDF below for the top 25 districts in teacher’s pay.


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