Saline High School Marching Band Earns Top Marks


The Saline High School Marching Band earned top marks at the MSBOA District Marching Band Festival, held last Monday at Westland John Glenn High School.

The band received first division (superior) ratings from all three judges and the grade of "A" in every category of evaluation.

Nate Lampman, Director of Bands for Saline High School, said the marching band turned in an outstanding performance.

"This achievement is especially meaningful for us this year because over a third of the group are new to the band.  Their great work ethic, dedication, attention to detail, and great student leadership all came together in a wonderful way this season," Lampman said.

The band is led by drum majors Anna Loughman and Michael Lance.

Lampman said the band is looking forwards to performing alongside the undefeated football team deep into November. 

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