Banjo Mike plays live bluegrass until 8:30 p.m. at Carrigan Cafey in downtown Saline.
Carriga Cafe
101 S Ann Arbor St,
Suite 107
Saline, MI 48176
United States
Sunny, with a high of 85 and low of 57 degrees. Partly Cloudy in the morning, sunny for the afternoon, clear in the evening,
This is so sad. Obviously these young men were raised to hate.
I'm saddened by this, but when we have a presidential candidate and a vice presidential candidate spreading hate should we be surprised it doesn't filter down to impressionable young people. As a community, we need to show support for the victims of hate speech and say to everyone: This Is Unacceptable!
This is unacceptable! We need to Make Racism Wrong Again!