City of Saline staff and consultants from Spicer Group will be presenting findings from the Saline River Dam Feasibility Study on Monday, December 9 at 6 p.m.
The feasibility study was approved at the June 26, 2023 City Council meeting and was initiated to consider alternatives for the future of the Saline River Dam. The City anticipated major capital investment would be necessary to address deterioration of the existing structure and to meet changing regulatory guidelines in the near future, prompting the need for a comprehensive study of its options. The resulting study outlines feasibility and cost pertaining to both restoration of the dam and removal of the dam. Presenters anticipate outlining these options and highlighting the benefits and drawbacks associated with each. At this time no formal recommendation is being made on the future of the dam.
A 30-minute presentation will be given followed by question and answer from both in-person and virtual attendees. This meeting will be held at Saline City Hall and will be streamed live on the Saline Video YouTube channel.
Saline River Dam Feasibility Study Public Meeting
Monday, December 9
6 p.m.
Saline City Hall
100 N Harris St
Livestream link:
Information on the Saline River Dam can be found on ClearGov and a copy of the presentation as well as a video of the meeting will be available after December 9.
Additional questions can be directed to City Engineer Humphriss at (734) 429-5624 or
Saline City Hall
100 N Harris St
Saline, MI 48176
United States