Main Street Invites Property Owners to Historic Preservation Workshop


Downtown Saline is quaint and charming with fabulous shops, delightful restaurants, and a wonderful sense of history.

Many civic-minded people have worked hard through the years to maintain the historic significance of our downtown buildings. You can sense our history and the pride we have in our City when you walk or drive through our downtown area.

On April 29 at 6 PM, Saline Main Street will be hosting a “Main Street Building Basics” presentation at Mangiamo Italian Grill, and the public is invited! Kelly Larson, Design Specialist for the State Historic Preservation Office, will conduct this free seminar. The presentation will focus on the history of downtowns and the evolution of older buildings over time. Kelly will also discuss good historic preservation principles to help maintain the unique qualities of historic buildings while also making them functional for today’s needs.

Downtown business owners, downtown property owners, realtors, civic leaders, and citizens who are interested in the development of our downtown should mark your their calendars and plan to attend.

This presentation is a kick-off point for an important Saline Main Street project. The Design committee will select up to three buildings in our downtown Saline Main Street district that will receive no-cost design services to help facilitate the rehabilitation of the building’s facade.

Any property owner interested in receiving the services must first attend a “Main Street Building Basics” presentation. An application - available at the presentation and at the Main Street office (131 E. Michigan Ave, Suite E) - can then be submitted to the Design Committee for review.

Make your plans to attend - April 29th at Mangiamo Italian Grill (second floor), beginning at 6 PM.b

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