
(Press Release from MDOT)
The Michigan Department of Transportation invites the public to attend a virtual public meeting regarding the upcoming improvements along US-12 from Platt Road to Carpenter Road, and along US-23 from Stony Creek Road to Ellsworth Road.
The virtual meeting takes place at 6 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 12.
During this virtual meeting, there will be a brief presentation followed by a question and answer session. Questions can be submitted during the meeting using the chat tool.
Click here to join the Microsoft Teams virtual public meeting
How to attend a live event in Microsoft Teams
To join by phone without using Internet, call 248-509-0316. Conference ID: 480 392 105#
The US-12 project includes improvements at the US-12/Platt Road/Textile Road intersection, lane widening, bridge replacement, drainage upgrades, signs and pavement markings, and operational improvements at the US-23 interchange. The US-23 project also includes road and bridge improvements from Stony Creek Road to Ellsworth Road.
As part of the project, MDOT will be working with Pittsfield Township to acquire a small area of right of way within the township hall and Prairie Park Trail property. The trail traffic may be temporarily closed at times during construction.
Public input is being sought to help MDOT recognize and address any concerns that may result from the project. Additional information regarding temporary trail closures and impacts will be available prior to construction beginning in early 2022.
Please provide concerns/comments discussed at this meeting regarding the project, along with the right of way required from the Pittsfield Township acquisition and the planned temporary trail closure per a proposed de minimis impact finding under Section 4(f) of U.S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966. Please submit public comment by Dec. 5, 2020. Provide your comments and questions using the online comment form or by mail, e-mail or phone to MDOT Public Involvement Specialist and Hearings Officer Monica Monsma at or:
Monica Monsma
MDOT Environmental Services Section
425 West Ottawa St.
P.O. Box 30050
Lansing, MI 48909