
News from the Friends of the Saline Library and Corner Book Shop.
In the Spotlight on the lobby cart we have books about antiques & collectibles, transportation, and birds. These will be on the cart through Friday, Oct. 27.
In addition to general refreshing throughout the book shop:
The Corner Book Shop at Saline District Library accepts donations in the shop when the shop is open. Bring your very gently used books, DVDs, puzzles, games, music and audio books on CD to the book shop's desk and a cashier will direct you. A good rule of thumb is that any donated item should be in a condition you would gladly give to a dear friend.
Please limit donations to one box or two grocery bags per day as our work and storage spaces are limited. Please tape puzzle and game boxes shut.
Because there is no market for them, we cannot accept VHS, cassette tapes, magazines, encyclopedias, textbooks more than 10 years old, or books with handwritten notes and highlighting.
If you wish to double-check that the shop is open before you come, call us at 944-0625. Our scheduled open hours are: