Memorial Day is the day America honors the men and women who died in service of our country.
Saline offers a series of events to allow people to mark the occasion.
- BSA Troop 439 offers the annual pancake breakfast, from 8-10 a.m., which has moved this year to Harry's Auto Service, 223 E. Michigan. The cost is $5 a person or $20 a family. Cash only.
- The annual Saline Memorial Day Parade begins at 10 a.m. It launches from Davenport, heads west down Michigan Avenue and finishes at Oakwood Cemetery. The Grand Marshal is US Army Reserve Maj. General Rodney L. Faulk.
- People follow the parade to the cemetery where Maj. Gen. Faulk, Mayor Brian Marl, American Legion Post Commander David Saims are among those will reflect on the day.
- Following the ceremony at the cemetery, people are invited across the street to the Saline American Legion Hall at 320 W. Michigan Ave. where Robison Bahnmiller is sponsoring the Legion's free hot dog lunch.
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