Best of Saline High School's Class of 2024 - Emma Mahaney


Emma Mahaney is one of the top students in the Saline High School class of 2024. At the recent Compass Awards banquet, she was honored for having grades in the top five percent of the class.

Mahaney was awarded the Seal of Biliteracy in Spanish.  She is also a US AG Level 10 gymnast for the last three years.

She earned a Merit Scholarship for the University of Michigan and will study at the School of Nursing.

At the Compass Awards, each student recognizes an influential educator. She chose to honor Astrid Leese.

"I first had her when I was in sixth grade and to have her now in AP Spanish as a 12th grader is special," Mahaney said. "She is 100 percent the reason I'm also pursuing a minor in Spanish."

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