
(Press Release from the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners)
The Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners unanimously passed a resolution declaring a local state of emergency within Washtenaw County as of March 17, 2021 to continue through December 31, 2021 due to the sustained presence of COVID-19.
"While we are excited by the progress being made regarding increased vaccine supply, the pandemic is by no means over," said Sue Shink, Chair of the Board of Commissioners and Commissioner for District 2. "We want to make sure we are continuing to provide a framework to allow our residents working, volunteering and participating in local government to do so safely."
At the end of March, the amendment to Michigan's Act 276 of 1976, the Open Meetings Act, allowing public bodies to meet entirely remotely will expire, but permits that if a local state of emergency is declared then public bodies can continue to meet remotely through December 31, 2021.The Board of Commissioners recognizes the persistent presence of COVID-19 in Washtenaw County and its continued threat to the community. By declaring the local state of emergency, public bodies like appointed boards and commissions and other local elected bodies may still meet remotely to avoid unnecessary exposure to the members of the body and the public.
“The safety of the Washtenaw County as a whole is paramount, and the state of emergency ensures the continued security of our residents and community partners,” said County Administrator Gregory Dill, “I would also like to thank our local labor partners for working well into the evening with us so we could get the resolution passed as quickly as possible.”