Best of the Saline High School Class of 2024 - Neva Rognes


Neva Rognes is one of the top students in the Saline High School class of 2024.

She was honored at the Compass Awards for having grades in the top five percent of the class.

Rognes was also a member of the All-State Band. She was also a Division 1 Soloist at the MSBOA Solo Ensemble. She was an SEC Top 5 Award winner and a National Merit Scholarship Finalist.

Rognes will attend the University of Michigan to study computer science.

At the Compass Banquet, each student recognized an influential educator. Rognes chose to honor Nate Lampman.

"He was the first teacher I met after I moved here and he gave me such a wonderful welcome to the community. He's made such an impact on me with his kindness and support," Rognes said.

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