Best of the Saline High School Class of 2024 - Amber Walker


Amber Walker is one of the top members of the Saline High School class of 2025. Walker was honored at the Compass Awards banquet for having grades in the top five percent of the class.

Walker won gold in the FCCLA states and also competed in the national competition. She is also a National Merit Commended Scholar. 

She was the section leader of the wind ensemble.

Walker will study data science at the University of Michigan.

Each student honored at the Compass Awards banquet honors an influential educator.  Walker honored Nate Lampman.

"I've had him all four years, every single trimester. I see him every day, in and outside of class. He's always pushed me musically, and I think that's translated to my academic life and personal life. He's always so supportive and so obviously cares about all his students," Walker said.

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