
(Press Release from the City of Saline)
As part of the City’s ongoing commitment to ensuring the safety and efficiency of its water and sewer infrastructure, staff has worked with Bendzinski & Co. to complete its annual utility rate study. The findings of the study were presented at the November 18, 2024 regular City Council meeting.. This study considers both current operational needs of the water and sewer utility, as well as planned capital improvements to both the system and plants. The study was designed to identify the rates necessary to both sustain reliable operations and meet the improvement needs of the system moving forward. Residents can learn more about upcoming and ongoing capital projects on ClearGov:
The recommendation from Bendzinski & Co. was to increase both the Readiness to Serve (RTS) and commodity rates for water services by 6.5% and increase the RTS and commodity rates for sewer services by 7.5%. These rates will be formally considered at the December 2, 2024 meeting of City Council.If approved, rate changes will go into effect January 1, 2025. Ratepayers can use an online tool on the City of Saline website to help estimate and understand the potential impact to their utility bills: The City encourages residents to reach out with any questions or concerns regarding the proposed rate adjustments. Please contact us at or (734) 429-4907. Additional details on utility billing, processes, and rates can be found on the City of Saline website: