Saline Merry Mile on Michigan Avenue Benefits Schools' Cross Country Programs
The Saline Merry Mile returns to Michigan Avenue right before the Holiday Parade.
The one-mile run up and down US-12 takes place at 5:30 p.m., Dec. 7. The race begins at the four corners following the lighting of the holiday tree. The parade begins at 6 p.m.
Proceeds benefit the Friends of Saline Cross Country nonprofit organization that supports the school's cross country program program.
The cost is $30.
race begins at the intersection of Michigan Avenue and Ann Arbor
Street. It proceeds eastbound on Michigan Avenue until it reaches Old
Creek Drive/Maple Road and then turns around and heads west. The finish
is just west of the four corners.
The race is noted for its' downhill start and finish. This is the only opportunity to run on Michigan Avenue as the road is only closed twice per year.
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