Saline Residents Asked What Traits They Want to See in City Manager


To better understand the community’s needs, the City of Saline is asking for citizen response to a brief survey regarding the City’s search for a permanent City Manager.

“This survey will assist City Council, our consultant and hiring committee pinpoint specific characteristics and attributes we’d like our future City Manager to possess,” said Mayor Brian Marl. “We appreciate and value the input of our community and welcome all those who live or work in the City to complete the survey.”

Survey questions focus on identifying desired leadership qualities, gathering feedback on specific actions the City Manager should take to promote a cohesive team and selecting which aspects of organizational and governmental culture are important to respondents.

To allow ample time for individuals to enter their submissions, the survey will open on Wednesday, March 26 and will remain open for one week, closing on Wednesday, April 2. The survey is relatively short, just five questions, and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.

City of Saline City Manager Search Survey

The survey was created by the consultants at Double Haul Solutions who will be conducting the search for Saline’s next City Manager. No identifying personal information will be collected with this survey. If you have any questions about the survey, please reach out to Mayor Marl at

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