
Washtenaw County Health Department is issuing updated emergency orders requiring service providers, operators, and businesses, including childcare centers, to use recommended screening to protect everyone’s health to the greatest degree possible. Local orders are now focused on screening. Social distancing, cloth face coverings, and other protective actions are now broadly required under Michigan Executive Order 2020-59. Screening and safety measures for food-selling establishments and pharmacies are now covered in state orders, see Michigan Executive Order 2020-60.
The updated local order addresses employee screening requirements at service provides, business, other operators, and childcare centers not included in Executive Order 2020-60. It also applies to any entities that resume operations before May 15. The local order is in effect starting May 1, 2020 at 12:00 a.m. and will remain in effect through May 15, 2020.
The state orders now require everyone to wear homemade face coverings in enclosed public spaces. Exceptions include anyone who cannot medically tolerate a face covering and children under 2 years of age.
For those entities now operating or others that may resume operations, the Washtenaw County orders must be posted at facility entrances. The Health Department is working to provide updated guidance and support as quickly as possible. Direct additional and urgent questions to 734-544-6700 or
“We know it is difficult to continue staying home for many reasons, and many of us cannot stay home. But social distancing is working,” says Jimena Loveluck, MSW, Washtenaw County Health Officer. “We are slowing the spread of illness. But we continue to see new cases of COVID-19 every day in Washtenaw County, and we must be cautious moving forward.”
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