This year, the City of Saline's Police Department is among four area police and fire departments to receive grants for safety equipment from The Washtenaw 100, a regional nonprofit organization.
Saline's Police Department is receiving the fourth and final installment of $1,856 – from a total grant of over $7,300, begun in 2018 – to help them complete the purchase of tasers for preventive use by officers while on duty.
Others receiving equipment grants from The Washtenaw 100 in 2021 include the City of Ann Arbor's Police Department, Salem Township's HAZMAT team, and Scio Township's Fire Department. This year's grants from The Washtenaw 100 total nearly $20,000.
In previous years, The Washtenaw 100 has also provided grants for equipment to the City of Ann Arbor's Fire Department, Pittsfield Township's Police Department, Augusta Township's Fire Department, Northfield Township's Fire Department, and Washtenaw County's SWAT-CNT teams.
Since 2018, The Washtenaw 100's grants to area police and fire departments have added up to nearly $42,000.
About The Washtenaw 100
In September 1971, a small group of Ann Arbor-area community leaders formed The Washtenaw 100, a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to providing financial assistance to the families of police officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty.
Over the years, The Washtenaw 100 has expanded its mission to also include: college scholarships for children of police and firefighting professionals; grants to police and fire departments for needed safety equipment and training; and annual awards to the county's most distinguished law enforcement officers and firefighters.
Originally, The Washtenaw 100 operated anonymously. Membership was by private invitation only, it was limited to approximately 100 members (hence the name), and the organization sought no public recognition for its efforts.
Today, The Washtenaw 100 invites all in the community to join. Members' annual fees and individual donations enable the organization to continue supporting our area's sworn uniformed officers and their families, who give bravely and selflessly for the safety and security of the community.
In the past five decades, The Washtenaw 100 has provided hundreds of thousands of dollars in needed assistance to the area's public safety officers and their departments.
The Washtenaw 100 is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization exempt from federal tax. Members' annual fees and donations may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
More information is available from The Washtenaw 100 at P.O. Box 1204, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. Email: Web: