Saline Students Return to School


The first day of school may have begun with nervous jitters, but it ended with smiles for students at Saline’s Woodland Meadows Elementary School.

Grayson Terrell, a second grader at Woodland Meadows, said his first day was “really good.” His teacher is Mrs. Marshall, and his favorite subject was recess. Grayson sported a "fun mask" as he walked home from school with his parents.

“We had an excellent day today!” said Dr. Steven Laatsch, superintendent of Saline Area Schools. “I could tell from walking our halls that students and staff were really happy to be back in-person.”

Dr. Laatsch is hopeful for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year.

“We are really looking forward to getting back to a more normal cadence of in-person learning. This will allow for all of our students, teachers, and staff to get into a more consistent routine to support teaching and learning,” Dr. Laatsch said.

Dr. Laatsch has been holding weekly Facebook live sessions for parents to ask any questions regarding the return to the classroom. Thus far, the response has been encouraging at these community question and answer sessions.

For families greeting their children at the end of the school day, the reports from the first day were positive. Allison King, a Saline Wildwood mom, accompanied her daughters on the walk home as she learned about their day.

Alexandra King, a second grader, liked her new teacher, Mrs. Stevenson. 

And, like Grayson, she liked the part of the day outdoors with friends.

“I liked recess,” Alexandra said.

Alexandra’s little sister, Hannah King, attended kindergarten orientation, where she was able to meet her teacher, Mr. Ball. Her favorite activity was making crowns.

Saline kindergarten students attended orientation on August 30, and will officially begin the start of their school year on August 31.

Jimmy Walker, a first grader at Woodland Meadows, told his mom, Sarah, that his favorite subject was math. He is excited to begin the new school year with his teacher, Mrs. Parrish.

At the end of day one, back to school received a good grade and smiles from Saline Area Schools students.

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